Implementation issue with TC#78

Just a quick question to those that are implementing - for TC#78, I just
want to make sure that other implementations are doing the same things
as mine... I'm getting the same triple generated twice per the Syntax
processing rules:


@prefix foaf: <> .
      "Ivan Herman" .
<>       <------------------------ ONCE
      _:bnode0 .
      <> .
<>       <------------------------ TWICE
      _:bnode0 .
      <> .
      "Mark Birbeck" .
      _:bnode1 .


I'm unsure if this is a bug, or an issue with the Syntax document... Is
anybody else seeing this double-generation of the same triple?

The first time it's generated is from step #11:

   // 11. If the [skip element] flag is 'false', and either: the
   // previous step resulted in a 'true' flag, or [new subject] was
   // set to a non-null value, then any [incomplete triple]s within
   // the current context should be completed:

after processing:

 <p property="foaf:name">Ivan Herman</p>

The second time it's generated is from step #11, after processing:

 <p rel="foaf:mailbox"

This happens because [new subject] is set to a non-null value in both
cases... so, are we supposed to generate two identical triples and let
the RDF graph merge the two identical nodes or is there something wrong
with my code?

-- manu

Manu Sporny
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: DB Launches Medical Record Sales Service with Shepherd Medical

Received on Thursday, 29 May 2008 04:02:07 UTC