Re: Real URLs for real things

2008/5/15 Steven Pemberton <>:
> [...] Another problem that was constantly recurring, he said, was due to the
> confusion between a page, and the thing it represented.
> And that set me thinking. Saying stuff about something that doesn't have a
> URL is hard, hard in RDFa, hard in RDF, and usually needs blanknodes, which
> our grandmothers are never going to understand.
> So, does anyone feel that they have enough energy for us to propose a new
> type of URL, the primary topic of:
>        pto: is the W3C
>        pto: is Tim BL
> is also Tim BL
>        pto: is RDFa
> and so on. You would never be expected to dereference such a URL, and you
> can see that you are talking about a meta subject by inspection, and you can
> automatically derive:
>        <pto:> foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf <>
> It seems to me that it would be far easier to use than all that "#me" stuff
> and all those 303 replies you have to organise to do it right (or is it
> 302?).

Why not use XRI's cross-context identification [1], to point to in a context of in which means
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf, something roughly like



I know how wrong this could be, but anyway ...

Laurian Gridinoc,

Received on Thursday, 15 May 2008 16:57:39 UTC