Re: foaf:sha1 property with img src=

Dan Brickley wrote:
> Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Daniel Renfer wrote:
>>> I ran into a similar issue when I was trying to convert my FOAF file 
>>> into a prose XHTML+RDFa document. My problem was, how can I link to 
>>> an image, but also specify the thumbnail version of that image?
>>> <#me>
>>>     foaf:depiction     <me.jpg>.
>>> <me.jpg>
>>>     foaf:thumbnail    <me-thumb.jpg>.
>>> It seems like the answer would be the same for both of them. It's a 
>>> shame I can't just put a span inside of <img/>.
>> I see Mark has already given an answer. Let me just add this: the fact 
>> that <img> cannot have a child element was the source of huge 
>> headaches for the Task Force: had it not been the case, a bunch of use 
>> cases could have been treated much more easily...
> Was there any consideration of defining conditional rules: "if used in a 
> future version of HTML where <img> has child elements, then [blah 
> blah...]" ?

I think the TF just did not want to go there. The goal is to get RDFa 
out of the door as soon as possible. There might be an RDFa 1.1, where 
such issues can then be considered in a much more relaxed way...


> Or perhaps that's too speculative. I've not check HTML5's thinking on 
> this...
> Dan


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Monday, 31 March 2008 12:39:01 UTC