Re: foaf:sha1 property with img src=

Daniel Renfer wrote:
> I ran into a similar issue when I was trying to convert my FOAF file 
> into a prose XHTML+RDFa document. My problem was, how can I link to an 
> image, but also specify the thumbnail version of that image?
> <#me>
>     foaf:depiction     <me.jpg>.
> <me.jpg>
>     foaf:thumbnail    <me-thumb.jpg>.
> It seems like the answer would be the same for both of them. It's a 
> shame I can't just put a span inside of <img/>.

I see Mark has already given an answer. Let me just add this: the fact 
that <img> cannot have a child element was the source of huge headaches 
for the Task Force: had it not been the case, a bunch of use cases could 
have been treated much more easily...



Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Monday, 31 March 2008 12:27:59 UTC