Re: request for extension to review RDFa Last Call.

Well - the W3C process on this is pretty clear.  If a working group 
wishes to submit last call comments as a working group position, then 
the working group needs to approve them.  Of course any individual is 
free to submit any comments they want.  But I assume Gottfried has been 
tasked by the PFWG to draft a working group position, so they need to 
approve it. 

Mark Birbeck wrote:
> Hi Gottfried, Al and Ben,
> Great to hear that Gottfried is able to provide a review.
>>  I think i will have something by April 4, but i may not make it to the PF
>>  call on April 2.  So PF might need until April 9 to review my comments and
>>  commit to a agreed version of them.
> Speaking as someone who is not very good on the minutiae of W3C
> process, that does sound like an unnecessary formality. After all, Al
> began this thread by saying that the group had only just found a
> reviewer, and with respect to the rest of the group, aren't
> Gottfried's comments going to be most to speak?
> So why can't we just accept all of Gottfried's comments for consideration?
> Regards,
> Mark

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Received on Friday, 28 March 2008 21:38:44 UTC