Re: RDFa Last Call Comment: Better name than 'instanceof' is needed

Hi Daniel,

>  If you want to say that this <div> has a (rdf:)type of foaf:Person, then
>  just say typeof="foaf:Person".

You are a boy genius. :)

I've stayed out of this debate because I'm also on the XForms Working
Group, and although I disagree with John that there is come kind of
confusion (I think people can keep the two concepts 'instance' and
'instanceof' separate pretty easily), I don't see any reason why we
shouldn't change @instanceof if a better alternative is found.

It's just that so far, none of the suggestions have really worked.

Until now....

So if this issue gets to a vote, I'd be happy with @typeof.



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Received on Thursday, 20 March 2008 11:18:38 UTC