Re: RDFa Last Call Comment: garbage collecting "useless" triples doesn't seem necessary and could hurt authors as they write RDFa

Let me agree with Ben here. I'm trying to put together some last call 
comments, but in case this gets discussed on the upcoming call...

If someone writes triples, they probably are not "useless" to that 
author. It's misplaced complexity to make authoring more difficult.

Thanks, -m

Ben Adida wrote:
> Hi team,
> I struggled for a while regarding whether to bring up this issue as a 
> Last Call Comment, but I do think it's worth considering.
> I don't believe it is necessary, and it may be harmful, to garbage 
> collect so-called "useless" triples in cases like:
> <div rel="foaf:knows">
>   <div rel="foaf:knows">
>     <div rel="foaf:knows">
>       ...
>     </div>
>   </div>
> </div>
> So what if someone writes useless triples? That's their intent, so let 
> it be :) This step in the processing adds notable complexity to the 
> parser rules. It also may make life difficult for authors who are 
> progressively writing RDFa, building up a skeleton of bnodes before 
> hanging properties onto them: they wouldn't see any triples at all 
> until they add a @property, at which point a slew of triples would 
> appear.
> There's a notable cost here, and questionable value.
> -Ben

Received on Thursday, 20 March 2008 05:12:02 UTC