Re: test suite in JavaScript thanks to Elias

Ben Adida wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks to some magical hacking by Elias with a combination of JavaScript 
> and ARC running as the SPARQL back-end, I was able to run my JavaScript 
> RDFa library through the test suite in Firefox. I found a couple of 
> edge-case bugs, e.g. about="" not always handled properly, <head> didn't 
> have its default about="", and I was missing some reserved keywords (go 
> Test Suite!). These are now fixed.
> At this point, it looks like the RDFa bookmarklets pass all tests except 
> #11 (the XMLLiteral issue we need to discuss). 2-3 tests had to be 
> checked manually because of some problem in my test-runner bootstrap 
> (which Elias is helping me fix already), but otherwise the results are 
> truly automated using JavaScript + ARC.
> This is awesome. Michael, Manu, and Ivan: great job on the Test Suite 
> and test cases, and Elias you rock for finding a solution to the 
> JavaScript test suite runner (which you need to tell other folks about 
> as soon as you're ready!)

Thanks for the congratulations, but the work on the test suite, test 
harness, etc, is really the work of Manu and Michael... They both rock.


> -Ben


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2008 08:17:01 UTC