Re: What is the correct set of triples for this case?

Mark Birbeck wrote:
> HI Micah,
>>  Now, if the order of the inner elements was swapped, it would be different, right?
>>      <e rel="rel:foo">
>>        <g about="http://x"/>
>>        <f property="prop:bar" content="x"/>
>>      </e>
>>  Would yield
>>  <> rel:foo <http://x>
>>  <http://x> prop:bar "x"
>>  Right?
> No...exactly the same triples would be generated. To get what you want
> you would need <f> to be a child of <g>:
>   <e rel="rel:foo">
>     <g about="http://x">
>       <f property="prop:bar" content="x"/>
>     </g>
>   </e>
> Regards,
> Mark


<e rel="rel:foo">
	<g about="http://x"/>
	<f about="http://x" property="prop:bar" content="x"/>

also work if you didn't want to nest f within g?

Is there a more efficient way to say the same thing?

Daniel E. Renfer

Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 20:11:19 UTC