Re: Yet another RDFa experience

On 9/26/07, Fabien Gandon <> wrote:
>  My 2 cents: it is a good scenario for cascading transforms:
>   (Transform 1) RDFa -> RDF/XML
>   (Transform 2) RDF/XML -> RDF/XML RSS restriction

Indeed, this is what I believe too.

There have been attempts (even successful IIRC) to make RDF/XML
deterministic using XSLT; which could then more easily be fed to
further XSLT transforms.

Or it might be more approachable to serialize the graph to TriX, and
transform that into RSS (any variant, say Atom). See e.g.:


(Since it is a case of serializing a graph to the restricted subset of
RDF/XML that is RSS 1.0, perhaps it wouldn't be *too* far-fetched to
have support for it directly in an RDF-library. AFAIK, needs like this
also applies to e.g. Adode XMP.)

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2007 09:51:28 UTC