[RDFa TC] TC 29 and normalizing spaces of the children of an element used as a property value.


TC29 is the only thing preventing me to release the new transform an 
parser and I think it is a pity.

Can anyone explain me how the children nodes of the <span> in TC29 
should be processed to pass the test ; in particular the text nodes.

I currently have two options:

 1 - I normalize-space() the values and obtain the wrong result:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example.org/foo">
<dc:creator xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" 

 2 - I don't normalise-space () the values and obtain the wrong result:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example.org/foo">
<dc:creator xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" 
rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">Mark Birbeck

I don't see the algorithm for generating the trailing white space of the 
current test (especially in XSLT1) and to me it is not clear how the 
process described in section 4.3 generates this trailing space.

Moreover if I don't normalize-space() I no longer pass TC28 since in 
this test case the corresponding ASK does not have a trailing space even 
if the original RDFa does have spaces and break-rows in the <span> ...



Failing a SPARQL query on a white space is pretty frustrating when one 
knows all the other things that could have gone wrong ;-)

in one word: HELP !

in two words: HELP PLEASE!


Fabien Gandon :
> Hello,
> I am passing all the tests except TC29 see discussion bellow.
> In addition I would like to suggest 3 new TCs:
> http://www-sop.inria.fr/edelweiss/people/Fabien.Gandon/docs/w3c/rdfa/tests/2007/09/10/ 
> TC 46: multiple properties separated by white spaces
> TC 47: multiple relations separated by white spaces
> TC 48: a VEvent example using @instanceof
> Hausenblas, Michael a écrit :
>> TC11: Hm. Not sure how I could help here, but let me know
>> if I can do anything ...
> We found the problem: instead of using a datatype I must use the old 
> RDF syntax rdf:parseType="Literal"
>> TC29: The additional space is there on purpose; cf. also the review 
>> at [1]
> When reading section 4.3 paragraph 2 :
> "The [current object literal] will be set as a [typed literal] if the 
> datatype attribute is present, and does not have an empty value. The 
> actual literal is either the value of the content attribute (if 
> present) or a string created by concatenating the inner content of 
> each of the children in turn, of the [current element]. The final 
> string includes the datatype, as described here:???"
> I still don't see why and how I am supposed to generate this trailing 
> space ; could someone tell me what is the algorithm for going from the 
> concatenation of the XML nodes of the source document to the 
> xsd:string of the ASK?
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Fabien - http://ns.inria.fr/fabien.gandon/

Fabien - http://ns.inria.fr/fabien.gandon/

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2007 08:59:56 UTC