- From: Pete Johnston <Pete.Johnston@eduserv.org.uk>
- Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 10:38:49 +0100
- To: "Ivan Herman" <ivan@w3.org>, "Mark Birbeck" <mark.birbeck@formsPlayer.com>
- Cc: "W3C RDFa task force" <public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf@w3.org>
Ivan said: > However... regardless of what the spec says, the reality out > there is that authos _do_ use @rel/@rev with values that are > _not_ defined by XHTML. The example of openid or DC are the > obvious ones. What this also means that the _second_ scheme > you propose:-) would actually lead to new and somewhat > unexpected triples. (By the way, one of the > questions/comments asked by the DCMI guys in Singapore was > exactly that: > they _hope_ that RDFa will not generate extra triples if they > are encoded using the dc.title trick...) As one of those DCMI guys who talked to Ivan in Singapore, I'd just like to endorse Ivan's point here. Also it applies to other (non-DCMI owned) existing X/HTML profiles that use a similar convention: I'm thinking particularly of Ian Davis' "Embedded/Embeddable RDF" profile http://purl.org/NET/erdf/profile which I believe Ian designed to be compatible with the DCMI convention (or at least it was one consideration in his design), see http://research.talis.com/2005/erdf/wiki/Main/RdfInHtml Though eRDF supports the use of either a hyphen or a period as the separator in its "prefixed names" e.g. it supports @rel values such as <link rel="foaf.maker" href="#ian" /> or <link rel="foaf-maker" href="#ian" /> Pete --- Pete Johnston Technical Researcher, Eduserv Foundation Web: http://www.eduserv.org.uk/foundation/people/petejohnston/ Weblog: http://efoundations.typepad.com/efoundations/ Email: pete.johnston@eduserv.org.uk Tel: +44 (0)1225 474323
Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2007 09:39:26 UTC