RE: [RDFa] Overview


>- yes, useful document, just make sure it remains a quick overview and
>doesn't turn into another Primer :)

For sure. The RDFa Overview is - citing Karl - 'a kind of meta table of contents with guidance'.
It is to state what is in the specification and what is not. It does not replace, extend or
otherwise compete with existing deliverables, but gently highlights, thus supports them.
And another nice aspect is that we can put things in there that otherwise would 'float around',
like the terminology, GRDDL-relation, etc.

Think about the alternatives: as of till now, a directory listing - not too nice to look at ;)
Or: The Wiki page [1] - good to have it during the draft period, but can't go for recommendation
track [2] with it, right?

>- regarding Mark's point, I think you should simply call it "RDFa in
>HTML". Let's not talk about RDFa in other XML dialects right now (plus
>our group is not chartered for that.)

Will be done in the next update - expecting for today ...

So, I'll do my best NOT to reinvent the wheel while shaping the RDFa Overview document to 
enable the RDFa-interested reader to get ASAP to _really_ interesting stuff as the Primer,
Syntax, etc.


BTW: I guess we would have been requested to provide such a document anyway 
     prior to CR, at latest ...


 Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ben Adida [] 
>Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 7:28 PM
>Cc: Hausenblas, Michael; Karl Dubost;; 
>Subject: Re: [RDFa] Overview
>A few comments:
>- regarding Mark's point, I think you should simply call it "RDFa in
>HTML". Let's not talk about RDFa in other XML dialects right now (plus
>our group is not chartered for that.)
>Mark Birbeck wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> This is a useful document. However, everything you have done here
>> relates to XHTML. The goal of RDFa was always to provide a way to add
>> RDF to *any* mark-up, via attributes. In other words, it supports
>> augmenting SVG, as much as it supports XHTML. (In fact, someone has
>> even provided use-cases for using RDFa to augment RDF/XML.)
>> So the document you are describing should either be less
>> XHTML-specific (which might be tricky) or it should not refer to
>> "RDFa", but perhaps something like "RDFa in XHTML" or "RDFa in HTML".
>> (The main environment in which RDFa will be initially 
>deployed will be
>> HTML.)
>> Regards,
>> Mark
>> On 13/02/07, Hausenblas, Michael 
><> wrote:
>>> Karl, Tim, All,
>>> Thanks a lot for your comments. Due to these encouraging
>>> postings I have now put together a very first draft of the
>>> umbrella document [1].
>>> Ben (1): This doc (cf. section 4) also partly addresses the
>>> action you (we both) haven taken to list the RDF coverage [2].
>>> Ben (2): I also included the GRDDL-RDFa relation into this doc;
>>> IMHO it should be presented prominently to ensure that 
>people reading
>>> the docs know who plays which role ;)
>>> Please let me know what you think ...
>>> Cheers,
>>>         Michael
>>> Note: As this is the very first draft, do _not_ expect to much,
>>>       though it should show the direction and tries to address
>>>       all the issues (esp. Tim raised w.r.t. terminology, etc.)
>>>       raised beforehand.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>  Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
>>>  Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
>>>  JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> >-----Original Message-----
>>> >From: Karl Dubost []
>>> >Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 7:17 AM
>>> >To: Hausenblas, Michael
>>> >Cc:;; 
>>> >Subject: Re: [RDFa] Yet another QA-related question
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Le 9 févr. 2007 à 17:27, Hausenblas, Michael a écrit :
>>> >> So what is missing in my (limited) understanding is a document
>>> >> that actually _is_ the umbrella specification document. This
>>> >> document (overview, guide, etc.) might state that the RDFa spec
>>> >> consists of the following documents, as of [2]:
>>> >>
>>> >>  + XHTML Metainformation Module
>>> >>  + XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module
>>> >>  + RDFa Primer 1.0
>>> >>  + RDFa Syntax
>>> >>  + RDFa Use Cases: Scenarios for Embedding RDF in HTML
>>> >>  + RDFa Test Suite
>>> >>
>>> >> Am I totally wrong with this?
>>> >
>>> >Totally on target! Your umbrellas specification is the 
>document which
>>> >ties everything together, help to have a global overview of the
>>> >technology, it is somehow the key entrance for the rest of your
>>> >documents. It is a kind of meta table of contents with guidance or
>>> >the book introduction if you prefer.
>>> >
>>> >> Cheers,
>>> >>      Michael
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> BTW, Karl D.: As I followed your advice to CC:,
>>> >>      I would very much appreciate comments from your 
>side as well :)
>>> >>      The same applies to other posts ([4] and [5]) from 
>the last days
>>> >> ...
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >That's really cool.  Answering the questions, you are asking, will
>>> >benefit other people. QA Framework: Specification is a set of tools
>>> >to better define a technology and help to write a specification.
>>> >
>>> >> [1]
>>> >> [2]
>>> >> [3]
>>> >> [4]
>>> >> 
>>> >> 0028.
>>> >> html
>>> >> [5]
>>> >> 
>>> >> 0027.
>>> >> html
>>> >>
>>> >> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> >>  Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
>>> >>  Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
>>> >>  JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
>>> >>  Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
>>> >>
>>> >>  <office>
>>> >>     phone: +43-316-876-1193 (fax:-1191)
>>> >>    e-mail:
>>> >>       web:
>>> >>
>>> >>  <private>
>>> >>    mobile: +43-660-7621761
>>> >>       web:
>>> >> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> >--
>>> >Karl Dubost -
>>> >W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
>>> >   QA Weblog -
>>> >      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >

Received on Wednesday, 14 February 2007 11:46:13 UTC