Re: [RDFa] issues meta/link outside of head and browsers implementation

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 18:06:03 +0100, Mark Birbeck <>  
>> The thing is that you also want to add xmlns="" stuff to HTML as I
>> understand it. This isn't really feasible imo for the text/html
>> serialization. (As it would only have affect to the RDFa stuff and not  
>> to the rest of the document.)
> But would you say there are any 'harmful' effects on the document?
> After all, it's no different to putting the attribute 'banana' onto an
> element, and then using the URI stored in the attribute as a unique
> identifier for some prefix substitution.

Not on the document, but certainly on document authors. And we can't move  
namespace processing (at that level) into text/html. It has been tried,  
and it failed miserably on the web.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 13 February 2007 17:11:16 UTC