Re: telecon Thursday, 1600 UTC

Ivan Herman wrote:
> Sorry, 'contradiction' is not the right word, I just realized.
> Contradiction in the sense that the behaviour of @rel and @instanceof
> becomes very different. Indeed, if I modify the example below, what you
> seem to say is that the following:

My understanding of the current @instanceof rules is that what you
expect, Ivan, is what would be generated:

<div about="#q" rel="q:r">
   <div instanceof="a:b"/>

would generate:

<#q> <q:r> _:x.
_:x <rdf:type> <a:b>.

Let's take it step-by-step to see if there is any disagreement on what
an implementation would do:

<div about="#q" rel="q:r">

At this point in the process, we have the following data in the parser:


When we process the next line,

<div instanceof="a:b"/>

At this point in the process, we have the following data in the parser:

<#q> <q:r> [UNKNOWN_HANGING_REL_OBJECT].  <---- incomplete triple
_:x <rdf:type> <a:b>.                     <---- complete triple

The parser would then, upon seeing a target object for the
UNKNOWN_HANGING_REL, which is _:x, complete that triple. This would
result in the following data, and complete triples, in the parser:

<#q> <q:r> _:x.
_:x <rdf:type> <a:b>.

Does that make sense? Mark, Ben, Ralph, was this your understanding of
the processing rules for @instanceof as well?

-- manu

Manu Sporny
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Over One Million Songs Available on Bitmunk

Received on Friday, 21 December 2007 16:56:41 UTC