Re: Understanding 'chaining'

Hi Ben,

> I was writing some RDFa for Creative Commons, and found myself
> with exactly the issue Mark describes as:
> > the following does not do anything useful:
> >
> >   <div about="#me" rel="foaf:knows">
> >     <span about="#mark" property="foaf:lastname>Birbeck</span>
> >   </div>
> which really sucks. Clearly the above needs to mean what Mark's proposal
> makes it mean: that the @rel is hooked onto the @about, and that all is
> well as a result.

I think it's reassuring that real use-cases are helping us resolve
these issues. In your case it's CC, and I saw one the other day that
uses OWL:


The author uses RDFa to write OWL, and whilst I wouldn't recommend the
post to new readers trying to learn RDFa ;) it's a very impressive
article, and shows that RDFa 'works' at all sorts of levels of

One 'pattern' that gets used a lot by the author--due to the nature of
OWL itself--is this:

 <div rel='rdfs:SubclassOf'>
   <div rel='owl:Restriction'>
     <span property='owl:onProperty'>develops_from</span>
     <a rel='owl:someValuesFrom' href='c/CellTypeOntology/immature_B_cell'>
       immature B cell

As we know, this already works in the rules we have, but as you can
see--following on from your comment--if an @about were to be placed in
the hierarchy, with the intention of 'naming' one of the previously
unnamed OWL classes, the current rules mean that the whole structure
would collapse:

 <div rel='rdfs:SubclassOf'>
   <div about="somename" rel='owl:Restriction'>
     <span property='owl:onProperty'>develops_from</span>
     <a rel='owl:someValuesFrom' href='c/CellTypeOntology/immature_B_cell'>
       immature B cell



  Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232 |

  standards. innovation.

Received on Sunday, 2 December 2007 16:19:37 UTC