Re: SPARQL TelCo 2012-02-28

I'm at risk for this call, got an offsite meeting, and doubt I can get back in time.

- Steve

On 27 Feb 2012, at 12:49, Axel Polleres wrote:

> Dear all, 
> These are the main items I see for tomorrow
> (I have added max-times in parentheses to avoid that we get stuck with one item or the other):
>  * Admin (5min)
>  * our schedule (as it affects the other points, I would like to  start with this and will send out another mail as input later on) (10min)
>  * finishing on JP-4 comment (cf. (15min)
>  * GSP status? (10min)
>  * TSV/CSV status? (10min)
>  * comments/actions status (10min)
> Please let me know AOB, by tonight European time .
> best,
> Axel
> see also:
> Agenda-2012-02-28
> [edit] Call in details
> When joining please don't identify yourself verbally; instead, identify yourself to Zakim on IRC
>  • Date of Call: Tuesday February 28, 2012
>  • Time of Call: 15:00 UK, 10:00 (East US)
>  • Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
>  • Dial-In #: + (France)
>  • Dial-In #: +44.203.318.0479 (UK)
>  • Participant Access Code: 77277# (SPARQ)
>  • IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #sparql ([])
>  • Web-based IRC (member-only): (Firefox IRC addon: chatzilla)
>  • Duration: 60 minutes
>  • Chair: Axel Polleres
>  • Scribe: ??? (Scribe List)
>  • Link to Agenda:
> [edit] Agenda
>  • Admin (5min)
>   • PROPOSED: Approve minutes at
>   • Next regular meeting: 2012-02-28 @ 15:00 UK / 10:00 EST (scribe: cf. scribe_list)
>   • RDF WG liaison
>  • Group schedule (as it affects the other points, I would like to start with this and will send out another mail as input later on) (10min)
>  • Finishing on JP-4 comment (cf. (15min)
>  • GSP status? (10min)
>  • TSV/CSV status? (10min)
>  • Comments/Actions status (10min)
> [edit] Regrets

Steve Harris, CTO, Garlik Limited
1-3 Halford Road, Richmond, TW10 6AW, UK
+44 20 8439 8203
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Received on Monday, 27 February 2012 23:08:57 UTC