Re: SPARQL 1.1 Update Review (part 2)

> ... the application of sk^-1() *after* the resulting dataset has been generated
> guarantees that in the resulting dataset now the same blank node labels are used as in GS
> and if this resulting dataset is added to or removed from GS by an INSERT or DELETE,
> then bnode correlations wrt. GS will be followed.
> Otherwise, something like
>   DELETE { ?s ?p ?o }
>   WHERE  { ?s ?p ?o FILTER Blank(?s)}
> wouldn't have any effect.

Ok - I see - I was making the scoping graph the same as the graph 
queried/updated in which case this works (it was the way discussed in a 
telecon a while ago IIRC).

I avoided much of that trouble by duplicating-with-renaming on the 
template + (scooping graph = update graph).

Don't mind which way - it does the same thing.


Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2011 21:58:01 UTC