Re: Service or graph store naming.

On Feb 14, 2011, at 4:04 PM, Andy Seaborne wrote:

> The service is replicated (to spread load, better latency by being close, etc) - relying on rotating DNS would mean the path at all points would need to be the same.  Think of it more like download mirroring.
> This means there is
> <myService> a sd:Service ; sd:url </sparql2> , </sparql2>

I assume those were meant to be two different urls?

> :sd:url has domain service and range endpoint.
> maybe:
> """
> 3.2.1 sd:url
> The service URL of an sd:Service supporting the SparqlQuery interface. The object of the sd:url property is a URI reference
> """
> ==>
> """
> The service URL of an sd:Service supporting the SparqlQuery interface. The object of the sd:url property is a URL for a service endpoint.
> """

And the conformance would then include something along the lines of:

	• The RDF content returned from dereferencing a service URL <U> must contain one and only one triple matching: ?service sd:url <U> .



Received on Monday, 14 February 2011 21:10:31 UTC