Re: new version of fed query

On 1/21/2011 11:30 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> I added a section on BINDINGS to rq25:
> For Federated query there is a top level section,
> [[
> 14 Basic Federated Query
> This document incorporates the syntax for SPARQL federation extensions.
> This feature is defined in the document SPARQL 1.1 Federation Extensions
> [Link].
> ]]
> [link]
> While this feels a bit odd, on balance, it seems better than just
> placing a sentence or two in the introduction or some other overall
> text.

This seems fine.

> Discussion of optionality can go in the federated query document

I think given the unified grammar that we'll need to work on the 
conformance section at . It 
will need to note what makes an implementation conformant with SPARQL 
Query, since the grammar referenced there includes SPARQL Update and 
SPARQL Fed Extensions. I'll think about this some more.


> Formal definition for BINDINGS also incorporated. This is done during
> translation from the abstract syntax to the algebra; the new result is
> that there are no new algebra operators.
> Carlos - we'll need to sync the docs up now that BINDINGS is in the
> query doc. Let me know of anything I need to do to rq25.
> Andy
> On 20/12/10 16:36, Steve Harris wrote:
>> First of all, I've not yet read this document, but I have a comment
>> and Andy's notes...
>> On 2010-12-20, at 16:10, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> ...
>>> Doc length: While we have said that we'd incorporate this into the
>>> main query document, I'm now owdoenrign if this is a good idea. The
>>> content of the doc is 9 pages of content. That's a lot to put in rq25
>>> and big enough to be it's own document. Suggestion: keep it in the
>>> main grammar, have a reference from the query document to federated
>>> query in the intro and note in the grammar section it includes the
>>> grammar rules needed.
>> Agreed. rq25 is already quite big, and another 9 pages will make it
>> quite imposing for potential implementors.
>>> (To be a bit contrary to the above point):
>>> BINDINGS: Should we separate this from SERVICE because it's used in
>>> the (non-SERVICE) query sent to the remote endpoint.
>> I think it makes sense to do that.
>> - Steve

Received on Friday, 21 January 2011 16:52:54 UTC