Re: JSON Results doc : First complete draft ready

> I would like at least one other reviewer to concur. The document is not
> long, and will not take you long to review. Please help!

I've had a look.

I was a little surprised that the result of an ask query is not encoded 
like other literal booleans. So instead of the
 "boolean": "true"
I would encode the result of an ask query like
 "result" : { "type": "literal", "value": "true", "datatype": 
. I guess that would be a good idea for consistency and existensibility. 
If you think that "result" is a bad name, because "results" is already 
in use, I would propose "answer" - but I think that calling the object 
"boolean" does not give an appropriate meaning.

I also noticed a little typo - a superflous "," before the ending "}" in 
the description of literals with datatypes:

{ "type": "literal", "value": "S", "datatype": "D",}

I'm satisfied with the rest of the document.


Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 07:46:24 UTC