RIF+SPARQL (was Re: Entailment regimes open issues)

> One more problem for the RIF part is that I've always said that we
> need an editor for RIF and that won't be me. I have not even read the
> RIF spec (skimmed over parts that touch OWL) and I don't have the time
> to first understand RIF and which parts of RIF are suitable to
> integrate with SPARQL and how that can be done properly. We would
> really need somebody with RIF background to put in the time to write
> this.

Yeah, unfortunately, we don't have much intersection here between people
who know/care about RIF and SPARQL.

Can someone here make the case for why RIF folks should care about this?
I tried to get interest from the RIF-WG, but I don't think I explained
it very well.

The general idea, I gather, is to be able to do SPARQL queries against a
RIF-powered deductive triple store.  But I don't understand what needs
to be spec'd for that; it seems to me like the parts fit together in
exactly one obvious way.  (RIF certainly anticipates this use case; we
have a Feature At Risk on 1-to-1 lists: rdf:Lists map to RIF lists, but
do they map back?  I hope so, but no one has implemented that yet.)

      -- Sandro

Received on Monday, 8 February 2010 13:41:13 UTC