another aggregates test case...

Student of mine pointed me to a somewhat corner test case:

PREFIX rdf: <> 
PREFIX rdfs: <> 
PREFIX dcterms: <> 
PREFIX foaf: <> 
PREFIX mpp: <> 


 ?project rdf:type foaf:Project ;
          rdfs:label ?title .
 ?person rdf:type mpp:Person ;
          rdfs:label ?personName ;
          foaf:currentProject ?project .
GROUP BY ?project

Actually, I *think* this should be syntactically invalid, as per:
"In aggregate queries and sub-queries only expressions which have been used as GROUP BY expressions, or aggregated expressions (i.e. expressions where all variables appear inside an aggregate) can be projected."

interestingly, the formulation - strictly speaking - doesn't say what an aggregate query is, but GROUP BY without aggregtate doesn't make a lot of sense anyways, except that it should have the same effect as DISTINCT, right(?), but we still don't want to allow in the presence of GROUP BY some non-grouped/aggregated things to be projected, I assume.


Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2010 13:08:22 UTC