Re: [Entailment] D-entailment (and upwards) issue?

On 11/05/2010 7:53 AM, Axel Polleres wrote:
> When thinking about what we called "D^-"-entailment at the f2f, I realised the following possible issue for all
> datatype aware entailment regimes (D-entailment, OWL, RIF, ...):
> Entailment regimes in general are defined only in terms of BGP matching, but nothing else in the algebra, particularly FILTER evaluation
> is independent from the entailment regime. FILTER evaluation is specified solely in the query document at this point.
> However, I am afraid this might lead to unexpected behaviors... take the following example:
> G:  :s :p "1"^^xs:integer
> Query1:
>   SELECT * WHERE {?S ?P "1.00"^^xs:decimal }
> Query2:
>   SELECT * WHERE {?S ?P ?O FILTER(?O = "1.00"^^xs:decimal) }
> Since constants in FILTERs are not affected by canonicalisation, D-Entailment, would only give an answer to Query1, right?

Query 2 will return at least one row for any entailment regime, 
including simple.

"=" in FILTERs is a value-based comparison. (c.f. sameTerm)  Here, it 
dispatches to op:numeric-equals.


Received on Tuesday, 11 May 2010 07:55:30 UTC