Re: Editorial thread for BGP matching

On 23 Jan 2006, at 18:07, Enrico Franconi wrote:
>> The introduction of the 'blank' parameter B says exactly as little  
>> as that, and unless B is mentioned elsewhere in the text, it is  
>> just an example of a notoriously bad expositional style, in which  
>> some entity is given a 'mathematical-sounding' name for no reason  
>> other than to seem 'mathematical', as when someone writes "Suppose  
>> there is a set, S, of foodles..." and then never mention S ever  
>> again.

and we do mention B in the spec, by saying that it should be equal to  
the terms in G':

"For simple entailment, the scoping set B includes only the RDF terms  
in G'"


Received on Monday, 23 January 2006 17:09:36 UTC