Re: agenda: RDF Data Access 10 Jan 14:30Z

On Jan 9, 2006, at 2:43 PM, Dan Connolly wrote:

Some updates:

>     2. issues#wsdlAbstractProtocol
>           + ACTION: KendallC to propose revised WSDL descripton of
>             SPARQL protocol

I think this is (mostly) done in 1.15 (which I just checked in) of
<!-- $Id: sparql-protocol-query.wsdl,v 1.15 2006/01/09 19:59:32  
kclark Exp $ -->

I think that's (more or less) how you spell our design in WSDL 2.0,  
as of the CR drafts.

But I'd like to have some agenda time to remind myself and everyone  
else of the design we *want* and have agreed to, particularly with  
regard to serialization types.

>        also: [8]query by reference Kendall Clark (Tuesday, 15  
> November)

This is done. Original commenter accepted our raise-postponement.

>     3. Toward updated protocol WD (and results format WD)
>           + ACTION: KendallC to add a modified version of
>    to
>             protocol editor's draft, as well as a pointer to the
>             section in rq23 itself

DONE last week.

>        [9]editor's draft shows progress on at least 5 of 14  
> outstanding
>        comments

More like 10 or 12 of 14, but -shrug-. ;>


Received on Monday, 9 January 2006 20:03:39 UTC