Re: agenda: RDF Data Access 8 Nov **14:30Z**

Regrets for being away in Galway

Yoshio Fukushige

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Connolly" <>
To: "RDF Data Access Working Group" <>
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 7:33 PM
Subject: agenda: RDF Data Access 8 Nov **14:30Z**

> hypertext:
> plain text:
>    1. Convene, take roll, review records and agenda
>          + [1]RDF Data Access WG teleconference 2005-11-08T14:30Z
>            ([2]local times note the time change!)
>               o teleconference bridge: [3]+1.617.761.6200 code:7333
>          + supplementary IRC chat: [4]#dawg
>               o [5]log to appear
>          + scribe: JanneS
>          + roll call ([6]wg membership) regrets:
>          + PROPOSED: to accept [7]DAWG Weekly -- 1 Nov 2005 as a true
>            record
>          + Let's note these done without discussion: @@
>          + Let's continue these without discussion: @@
>          + Comments on the agenda?
> Ugh... I'm drowning in comment status. Gonna have to figure out something 
> better.
>    2. next meeting: 15 Nov conflicts with XML 2005. When is the next
>       time we have critical mass? note pre-AC publication cut-off of
>       21 Nov.
>    3. Security Considerations
>          + cf [8]eric 25 Oct, [9]22 Jul comment
>          + ACTION: EricP to respond to "Security Considerations"
>            comment. also:
>          + ACTION: KendallC to add a modified version of
>   to
>            protocol editor's draft, as well as a pointer to the
>            section in rq23 itself
>    4. QL Conformance
>          + comment: [10]W3C QA Guidelines conformance
>          + discussion: up to [11]connolly 24 Oct
>    5. toward SPARQL QL updated WD
>          + ACTION: ericP to respond to [12]isURI poorly named. also:
>               o [13]SPARQL: Error handling
>               o [14]SPARQL: language tag issues
>          + comment: [15]from the XML Query and the XSL WGs
>          + comment: [16]format based on Unicode?
>          + QL comments: [17]General Document Comments,[18]Querying the
>            Dataset, [19]Semantics of queries involving named graphs,
>            [20]section 2, [21]Example Errors, [22]sections 3 onwards,
>            [23]twinql Retrospective
>    6. issues#rdfSemantics
>          + ACTION: Bijan to take a pass through the editor's draft,
>            listing what will change with the new semantics
>            understanding, and what will not
>          + ACTION: Enrico to take a pass through the editor's draft,
>            listing what will change with the new semantics
>            understanding ...
>               o note [24]SPARQL Semantics document Enrico Franconi
>                 (Monday, 24 October)
>          + ACTION Bijan: estimate impact of "abstract syntax
>            entailment" etc. on WG test harness
>               o for reference: [25]Oedipus test case (OWL-DL
>                 semantics)
>          + ACTION: PatH to review [26]The Semantics of SPARQL
>          + ACTION: PatH to sketch tests that characterize impact of
>            semantics work [eta "2 weeks", i.e. 8 Nov... during ISWC.
>            hmm.]
>    7. issues#wsdlAbstractProtocol
>          + ACTION: DanC to notifty DAWG of WSDL response to our WSDL
>            comments
>          + ACTION KC: review sparql-types for xs:any weirdness, w.r.t.
>            WSDL 2.0 constraints
>          + ACTION: KendallC to propose revised WSDL descripton of
>            SPARQL protocol
>    8. Toward CR
>          + cf [27]toward SPARQL CR, PR, REC, press releases...
>            schedule review Dan Connolly (Monday, 3 October)
>          + ACTION: KendallC to remove uses of "my" in URIs in protocol
>            spec
>          + [28]lc status: as of 1.34 2005/10/26 04:51:06 (there are a
>            few comments newer than that):
>               o 18 closed :)
>               o 12 pending:
>                    # 8 pending a reply from the commentor:
>                      QuotedIRIref too lax , ORDER with IRIs,
>                      incorrect/confusing example in 9.3, BASE IRI
>                      resolution, Backslashes in string literals,
>                      Please make sure the grammar is directly machine
>                      consumable, acknowledge prior art, Editorial
>                      comments on Last Call WD
>                    # 1 where the commentor gave further editorial
>                      information for consideration by the protocol
>                      editor: SPARQL Protocol against QA SpecGL ICS
>                    # 3 where the commentor supplies further
>                      information for consideration by the WG:
>                         @ Charmod conformance; my [29]OK? message has
>                           a forward reference to protocol LC. Reviewer
>                           asks for I18N WG review in reply
>                         @ External storage of queries reminds me that
>                           we owe ietf-types a review of our MIME
>                           types. DaveB tried but ran into list admin
>                           foo.
>                         @ Query forms should be resources, not
>                           operations [30]baker 5Sep, [31]baker 6 Sep
>               o 41 open:
>                    # 1 for the chair to clean up thread-state: Roman
>                      Numeral test
>                    # 1 that I just sent an [OK?] message about: need
>                      extar information in SPARQL
>                    # 3 connect to valueTesting which we just closed 25
>                      Oct with actions on EricP, I think: language tag
>                      issues, Error handling, isURI poorly named
>                    # 8 clearly editorial:
>                         @ protocol: typo and general, Style for PRE
>                           boxes, Wrong SOAP namespace, WSDL comments
>                           on SPARQL Protocol LC Draft, WSDL comments
>                           on SPARQL Protocol LC Draft
>                         @ query results: rdf-sparql-xmlres and CSS
>                           styling, Query Results XML Format typo
>                    # 2 connected to open wsdlAbstractProtocol issue:
>                      Protocol Review and Comments, Note about WSDL2
>                      Binding
>                    # 4 clearly-substantive requests for WG
>                      consideration:
>                         @ results format: SPARQL Results Format and
>                           Unbound Variables, Broad application of CSS
>                           hypertext pseudo-classes
>                         @ QL: from the XML Query and the XSL WGs,
>                           format based on Unicode?, Security
>                           Considerations
>                         @ protocol: Security Considerations
>                    # 5 connected to an open WG issue, rdfSemantics:
>                      Barstow, pfps x3, entailment, soundness,
>                      completeness
>                    # 10 possibly substantive, possibly editorial:
>                         @ QL: W3C QA Guidelines conformance,General
>                           Document Comments,Querying the Dataset,
>                           Semantics of queries involving named graphs,
>                           section 2, Example Errors, sections 3
>                           onwards
>                              - 1 for the chair or a QL editor to check
>                                that we've handled it all and send an
>                                [OK?] message: twinql Retrospective
>                         @ protocol: on SPARQL protocol document
>    9. protocol testing update
>          + ACTION: Jeen try to reproduces EliasT's protocol testing
>            results
>   10. test suite maintenance
>          + ACTION: EricP to fix test schema to match manifest with
>            negative tests [recorded in
>            [32]09/27-dawg-minutes.html#action16]
>          + ACTION: DanC to follow up re optional test based on
>            op:dateTime triple
>          + ACTION DaveB: add to test suite the temperature case from
>            comment on truth tables in [33]commentor's message
>          + ACTION ericP: to update sop:isIRI to include the "isuri"
>            synonym
>      [1]
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>      [3] tel:+1.617.761.6200
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>     [33] 
> -- 
> Dan Connolly, W3C
> D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541  0875 0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E

Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2005 09:56:55 UTC