Re: Issue #rdfSemantics / #owlDisjunction

[updated ARQ and have similar result]

>> The definition is plain wrong, since you don't want to "RDF merge" 
>> coming from the graph, just the ones in the template:
>>      CONSTRUCT { ?x :looks ?y } with answer set [?x/_:a,?y/:here], 
>> [?x/_:a,?y/:there]
>> results in the graph
>>      _:a :looks :here . _:a1 :looks :there .
>> where the coreference on _:a is lost.
> What you outline looks right - 

Not when I run
cwm test.n3 -think -sparql=test.rq

where test.n3 is
@prefix : <test#> .
_:a :test :here.
_:a :test :there.

and test.rq is
PREFIX : <test#>
CONSTRUCT { ?x :looks ?y } WHERE { ?x :test ?y }

Cwm gives
      [      :looks :here,
                    :there ].

Also when I run
euler test.n3 -nope -think -query test.rq

euler gives
_:a_0_ :looks :here.
_:a_0_ :looks :there.

Also when running
arq -data test.n3 -query test.rq

ARQ gives
# ======== CONSTRUCT results
@prefix :        <file:///C:/temp/test#> .

[]    :looks        :there ;
      :looks        :here .
# ========

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 7 October 2005 22:46:10 UTC