progress on WSDL 1.1 actions

Hi Everyone,

I've asked Kendall and Eric to review the latest draft of the WSDL 1.1 
Note and, of course, the WSDL itself now available at:

Kendall was able to give a "semi-cursory" thumbs-up to the WSDL before he 
had to go away this past week.

I've also added a good bit of expository text at:

This text links to a fully working Java sample client that executes SPARQL 
queries via SOAP over HTTP. It also explains how the code works. The 
sections on a python sample and a C# sample will hopefully be filled in 
this coming week.

This partially satisfies:

ACTION: Lee to elaborate on how to use this WSDL 1.1 stuff
with tools

...but as I'm planning to fill in the python and C# parts of the Wiki 
page, I'd be happy to keep this action open for the time being.

The other two relevant actions:

ACTION: KC, EricP to review WSDL 1.1 sparql protocol
publication candidate, once a candidate pointer is mailed to the WG

ACTION DanC: publish WSDL 1.1 sparql protocol note,
contingent on thumbs-up from KC, EricP, Lee/Elias

are waiting on a thumbs-up from Eric and any other interested WG members. 
Elias and I are OK with the current state of the Note, I believe, but 
would definitely appreciate any second (or third) sets of eyes.

hope everyone enjoy[s|ed] your weekends,

Received on Saturday, 8 October 2005 00:52:44 UTC