Re: Casting a literal to a typed literal?


More comments - great!

Thompson, Bryan B. wrote:
> Hello,
> With respect to the example in Section 11.1, can someone point me to
> the aspect of the grammar that handles casting to a typed literal?
> If these are meant as function calls, then the last line should use
>    &xsd:dateTime(?date)
> and not
>     xsd:dateTime(?date)

The latter is the syntax currently.  There is no distinction between function 
calls and casting any more.

> The full example is:
> PREFIX a:      <>
> PREFIX dc:     <>
> PREFIX xsd:    <>
> SELECT ?annot
> WHERE ( ?annot  a:annotates  <> )
>       ( ?annot  dc:created   ?date )
>   AND xsd:dateTime(?date) < xsd:dateTime("2005-01-01T00:00Z")

The example in 11.1 is currently:

PREFIX a:      <>
PREFIX dc:     <>
PREFIX xsd:    <>

SELECT ?annot
WHERE { ?annot  a:annotates  <> .
         ?annot  dc:created   ?date .
         FILTER xsd:dateTime(?date) < xsd:dateTime("2005-01-01T00:00Z") }

(Eric - isn't that constant dateTime in need of the seconds? I didn't think they 
were optional

   FILTER xsd:dateTime(?date) < "2005-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime


Bryan - would it be possible to send comments relative to the editor's draft? 
That reflects changes made since the working draft including the syntax changes. 
We're racing to get a draft in preparation for Last Call and there have been 
quite a few changes (face-to-face meetings tend to result in a cascade of things 
to do).

Editors' draft:


> Thanks,
> -bryan

Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2005 17:16:22 UTC