Syntax error in example from Section 8.3 of 17 Feb 05 Working Dra ft?


The following example appears to have a syntax error on the line whose
text is:

>     ( ?whom PersonalProfileDocument  ?ppd )

>From section 8.3, the full example is:

PREFIX data: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT ?mbox ?age ?ppd
  GRAPH data:aliceFoaf
    ( ?alice foaf:mbox <mailto:alice@work.example> )
    ( ?alice foaf:knows ?whom )
    ( ?whom foaf:mbox ?mbox )
    ( ?whom PersonalProfileDocument  ?ppd )
  GRAPH ?ppd
     ( ?w foaf:mbox ?mbox )
     ( ?w foaf:age ?age )



Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2005 14:48:13 UTC