N most-recent news items, a use case motivating a SORT requirement

Recent comments traffic suggests a SORT feature/requirement...
I asked for a use case, and got...

Use case: obtain a given number of most-recent items from a
triplestore-based RSS aggregator. (Something along the lines of
http://pubsub.com which aggregates data from several million feeds -
they use ASN.1 internally btw, though expose XML interfaces).

Anybody like the idea of addressing that use case in SPARQL?
Any design ideas or implementation experience with sorting?

Hmm... hard to argue that it's a bad idea; I think the discussion we've
had is more of the form "it can wait"; i.e. perhaps it belongs on the
issues list as "postponed".


Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 23:27:51 UTC