Re: protocol draft updated

On Feb 26, 2005, at 4:54 PM, Kendall Clark wrote:
> Folks,
> I've updated the editor's draft of the protocol doc:
> where you should find
>      $Revision: 1.17 $ of $Date: 2005/02/26 21:51:28 $

The SADDLE stuff looks like a good basis for discussion.
Hmm... Domain: G, S... is that short
   rdfs:domain G, S
or for
   rdfs:domain [ owl:unionOf (G S ) ].

I think you mean the latter. Better say so somehow. Maybe just use 
RDFS/OWL/turtle like that?

The "abstract protocol notation" section... hmm... more stuff between 
our readers and the "hello world" example.

We've had mixed feedback from within the WG and elsewhere about whether 
an abstract protocol is the way to go, so I took a crack at taking a 
"hello world" example from UC&R, putting it up front, and following it 
with as little specification as I think we could get away with, to give 
us another organization to consider:

  The SPARQL Service Interface
  $Id: prot26.html,v 1.1 2005/02/27 05:25:44 connolly Exp $

It's 2 pages printed; I think the stuff between the title page and the 
references section would fit on one page.

I think the interface it specifies is used in a couple actual SPARQL 
services... hmm... no, complains when I leave 
the lang=SPARQL out.

The rasqual demo wants a uri= for the background graph, plus it wraps 
the results in HTML.

Hmm... seems to use POST. 
ew. ;-)

EricP, where's the algae SPARQL thingy? I can't find it from

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Sunday, 27 February 2005 05:53:25 UTC