Re: collection access: inferred property vs. syntax

>So if the server understands predicates that an intermediate might not
>understand, it needs to break the data down to a universally
>understood form:
>  Eric sharesOfficeWith _:list1.
>  _:list1 owl:member Philippe.
>  _:list1 owl:member David.
>(which loses the closed aspect to the list).

Well, then in the case you cited, we will get another graph:

  Eric sharesOfficeWith _:list2.
 _:list2 owl:member Michiko.
 _:list2 owl:member Yoshio.

#Let's suppose they are all your colleagues in Keio.

So, what I want to say is that what you get (i.e. solutions above)
 is different from the following and will cause no problem.

Eric sharesOfficeWith _list.
  _list owl:member Philippe.
  _list owl:member David.
  _list owl:member Michiko.
  _list owl:member Yoshio.

Yoshio Fukushige
W3C fellow at Keio
5322 Endo Fujisawa Kanagawa 252-8520
Tel. +81-466-49-1170
Fax. +81-466-49-1171

Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2005 08:16:07 UTC