Re: binary RDF

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 09:22:07AM +0100, Robin Berjon wrote:
> Dear DAWG,
> I am contacting you on behalf of the XBC WG, as we are getting close to 
> putting the final touches to our own use cases document[0]. The topic 
> has come up that you may be considering a binary syntax for RDF, and 
> several of our members that have an interest in your work have expressed 
> concerns that if there were a binary RDF serialization and if there were 
> a binary XML format, they might not be the same and that that would be 
> anywhere between a shame and a catastrophe (depending on who you ask).
> We would therefore be very interested in knowing if you have something 
> along the lines of a "binary RDF" or ideas around it that we could 
> incorporate into our use cases document.


I can't really speak for DAWG, but let me say, as an active member of
the WG in good-standing, that we've never had an issue on our issues
list about 'binary RDF', that we don't have any requirements or design
objectives in our Use Cases document that say (or imply) anything
about 'binary RDF', and that I don't believe the issue has ever come
up on our mailing list or at a face-to-face meeting.

Frankly, I'd be *shocked* to learn otherwise! :>

But as in all such things, you should wait for confirmation of this
from others, particularly the DAWG Chair.

Kendall Clark

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2005 13:19:16 UTC