Proposed XQuery requirement and/or objective



As everyone in attendance at the DAWG FTF is aware, the Network
Inference position is that XQuery represents an ideal concrete syntax to
facilitate more widespread and rapid adoption of the semantic web stack,
beyond just RDF.


In support of the charter, NI proposes that the discussion of a strawman
query language is not inherently at odds with an eventual XQuery based
concrete syntax. The DAWG charter contemplates three stages of
specification evolution; (1) strawman language, (2) abstract syntax and
(3) concrete syntax. Network Inference does not perceive BRQL, RDQL, or
N3QL proposals as necessarily excluding an eventual outcome that is
consistent with an XQuery concrete syntax. The DAWG charter also clearly
states that: "The RDF DAWG should aim to maximize W3C technology re-use,
while also taking account of differences between the RDF graph data
model and the XQuery data model" - thereby supporting our objective that
XQuery be an integral part of an end-user's interface with the eventual
DAWG language recommendation.


Therefore, NI proposes that a new requirement be considered by this


"The query language shall have an XQuery compatible concrete language


Network Inference has formalized the rationale for this requirement in
the attached document that explores the facets of why this is important
to us, and ultimately as to why it should be important to the W3C
community at large.


Comments, stones, or support are welcome.


Kind Regards,





Received on Thursday, 15 July 2004 14:26:41 UTC