[OK?] Re: Double binding of a WSDL 2.0 operation

On Nov 15, 2005, at 4:29 PM, <paul.downey@bt.com>  
<paul.downey@bt.com> wrote:

> Dear DAWG,
> following discussion of the WSD WG review of the SPARQL Protocol
> Working Draft [1], it became apparent that the binding of the single
> "query" operation twice within the same binding to the GET and POST
> methods isn't legal WSDL 2.0 [2].
> The suggested work-round is to provide two separate HTTP bindings,
> and therefore two separate endpoints, one for each HTTP method.


The latest version of the editor's draft provides two HTTP bindings,  
queryHttpGet and queryHttpPost, per yr suggestion:


Please let us know whether this sufficiently addresses yr comments?

Kendall Clark

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 21:56:25 UTC