Re: references and acknowledgements …. (trumpet blowing)

Thank you, that addresses my comment (if not my disappointment)


On Sep 11, 2013, at 5:37 AM, David Wood <> wrote:

> Hi Jeremy,
> The lack of acknowledgements in the currently published Concepts is a ReSpec issue and does not reflect any intention of the WG.  We will sort it.  Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
> Regards,
> Dave
> --
> On Sep 6, 2013, at 16:16, Jeremy Carroll <> wrote:
>> This is a comment on the current last call documents (concepts and semantics)
>> I note that there is no mention of Brian McBride's role in the previous round of specifications …
>> "The WG decided that bwm will be "series editor" for the WG documents."
>> - obviously Brian is no longer fulfilling this role, but it is conventional to maintain some reference to former editors in the acknowledgements or somewhere.
>> I also note that Graham and I are not called out as former editors in the Concepts acknowledgements, in particular, the sentence: "The RDF 2004 editors acknowledge …" fails to mention who those editors were!
>> I am also slightly disappointed that there is no informative reference to Named Graphs, Provenance and Trust by Carroll, Bizer, Hayes & Stickler; with this I realize that the bar is much higher than with acknowledgements to former editors so my disappointment is lower!
>> Overall though I believe the documents may benefit from a review of the acknowledgements section by some member of the WG.
>> Jeremy

Received on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 22:33:00 UTC