First EARL report for Virtuoso's support of R2RML ( rdb2rdf.vad ) with Virtuoso itself as a data source.


The attached report is incomplete because I'm still writing th test
driver. E.g. if R2RML rules mention graph then it is handled according
to the spec but in that case I need a comparison for lists of quads to
check the result automatically, I compare only triples ATM so such tests
remains not listed.
In addition, Virtuoso provides separate validator for R2RML descriptions
and a separate translator from R2RML to proprietary mapping rules
(so-called "RDF Views". Obviously, there's no way to demonstrate via
EARL whether this validation really works, but it is.
We've implemented DirectMapping as well but that results are not
included into this EARL. Again, it's an incomplete test driver.

I will submit more EARLs later.

Best Regards,

Ivan Mikhailov
OpenLink Software

P.S. The test suite has "create.sql" scripts but no "drop.sql" to revert
the database to its original state. To make tests re-entrant I've
generated "drop" sequences automatically, but ready-to-use "drop.sql"
would be nicer, esp. for cases with foreign keys. It would be convenient
to provide names to constraints, too.

Received on Thursday, 28 June 2012 21:50:34 UTC