[XSLT2] xsl:number difference in XSLT2 and XSLT1 when using from


If I understand correctly, there is a difference in XSLT2 and XSLT1 when using xsl:number with the from and count attributes specified. ( level=single|nultiple )

If the from attribute is specified, then the only ancestors that are searched are those that are descendants of the nearest ancestor that matches the from pattern. 

$AF ::= $A[ancestor-or-self::node()[. is $F]] this will mean that ancestors that are descendants-or-self of the innermost from matching node are searched. 

If the first node matching the count pattern is the same with the one selected by the from expression, XSLT1 will return the empty sequence, XSLT2 will return the node.

I think this should be mentioned in the XSLT1 difference list and clarified how this should be handled when backwards compatibility mode is enabled. Or if this difference isn't intentional then the $AF construction should be corrected to $A[ancestor::node()[. is $F]].

Best regards,

.... Botond Biró
.... Software Engineer
.... Altova GmbH

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Received on Thursday, 7 December 2006 14:45:22 UTC