Re: [F&O] fn:doc and fragment-ids

>>>>> "Ashok" == Ashok Malhotra <> writes:

    Ashok> Thank you for your note.  The joint WGs discussed your
    Ashok> question on November 9.  The argument to fn:doc is an
    Ashok> anyURI (in the form of a xs:string) that allows a fragment
    Ashok> identifier.  We agreed to add words to clarify this.

    Ashok> The mapping of xs:anyURIs to document nodes is
    Ashok> implementation-defined and is the function of the
    Ashok> uri-resolver.

    Ashok> Please let us know if this resolution is satisfactory.

Yes. perfectly so.
Thank you.
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire

Received on Tuesday, 16 November 2004 11:57:54 UTC