re: [XSLT 2.0] Data types for a Basic XSLT processor

Colin, you raised this comment at

our ref: +qt-2004Mar0218-01 

The Working Group discussed this comment today, and decided to make no
change to the specification.

Broadly, the WG endorsed my earlier informal response. The minimum set of
types that an XSLT processor must support has to relate to the types that
are primitive in XML Schema and in XPath (e.g. the types for which literals
are defined) and the types used by the function library. For example, since
position() returns an xs:integer, the set has to include xs:integer.

Implementators are free to offer the full set of types if they think that
users need them.

Please let us know if you can accept this resolution of the comment.

Thanks for the contribution.

Michael Kay
for the XSL WG

Received on Thursday, 3 June 2004 19:27:33 UTC