Re: [XSLT 2.0] Why doesn't XSLT have an <xsl:else> element?

This is a silly discussion, I believe ...
However, here are my two cents again

> This is how I understand the question of Mike Kay:
> "How would you associate the <xsl:else> with the <xsl:if>? Perhaps by
> wrapping both of them in an <xsl:choose>?"

Answer: the first preceding sibling of xsl:else has to be an xsl:if
(after stripping whitespace).
The inconvenience of checking where the xsl:else belongs to is purely
the point of view of the implementor. For the user this is very simple
to understand and to write.

would be simply an abbreviation for
just as @foo is an abbreviation for attribute::foo

So I think there are no factual reasons against xsl:else,
some people like it (as me for example), others don't (as you and Mike
Kay). That's all.

Best regards,

Received on Saturday, 3 April 2004 11:12:50 UTC