Re: XQuery

Michael Kay writes:
> I think all database query languages have to allow the implementation to
> choose efficient access paths, and different access paths might or might not
> hit errors. Therefore, I don't think there's any practical alternative to
> saying that dynamic errors will depend to some extent on the implementation.
> Note that database query languages have much more stringent requirements
> here than conventional programming languages, because optimizations (eg. of
> joins) give performance improvements of a factor of 1000000, not just a
> factor of 2.

Michael Rys writes:
> a)       SQL is also indeterminstic (non-deterministic is probably the
> correct English word, no?) as are other database query languages for the
  /* yes non-deterministic is better but indeterministic is easier to type */
> reasons Michael explains below.

The point is that you need many different query execution plans that are equivalent
to the original query. Theoretically, equivalence means that they give the same result for all
databases. (in practice this equivalence is defined by the spec.)
The huge search space (the set of all plans equivalent to the query) of relational
systems is great for query optimization. 
What are the reasons for the huge search space:
1) Joins: on sets and bags they commute and are associative
   /* not that order preserving joins do not commute */
2) reorderability: one can reorder selections, joins, maps freely and
   some other operators under certain conditions.
This has *NOTHING* to do with indeterminism. In fact, there are only very few cases
where SQL is indeterministic and these cases do *NOT* contribute to the search space.
Of course, as  Michael Brundage points out, if runtime errors are present,
indeterminism is necessary to retain the search space.
I couldn't agree more with what he writes.
My whole point is that indeterminism should be kept at a minimum and I think the
use of NULL values and three-valued logic can help here.

Michael Kay writes:
> The adverse effects of indeterminism can be reduced if you reduce the number
> of run-time errors, though this has to be balanced against the desirability
>  of reporting genuine programmer errors rather than giving wrong answers. In
> some cases, like this one, I think we are reporting errors that would be
> better treated as not being errors; and it would be perfectly feasible to
> define the rules so that comparing an untyped value against a typed value
> testing castability to the required type before attempting the conversion.  

I agree with Michael Rys that this is not a nice solution.
(see also my previous email.)

Michael Rys writes:
> b)       Actually the reason why we removed three-valued logic was that
> all predicates in XQuery and XPath are existentially quantified which
> always maps the third truth-value to false. The only expression that
> thus would preserve the third-value was an expression of the form $a eq
> 3 (if $a is ()) that is not part of a predicate. We considered this to
> be a very small use case...

> In addition, in XPath/XQuery, = and predicates in general are mapped to
> an existential quantification, so even if you have three valued logic,
> existential quantification normally maps the third-value to false. This
> design is in the language for two reasons:
> 1. XPath 1.0 did it.
> 2. Existential quantification on predicates is the more natural
> semantics if you operate on semi-structured data.

Well, seems everybody has problems with existential quantification and
three-valued logic. Before I come back to this point let me say the following:

I very much like Michael Kay's example/argument on (explicit/implicit) union types.
I think this is also a strong case against runtime exceptions.

Now existential quantification:
The problem is not with the existential quantification but with the application
of existential quantification where it is not needed.
Let us denote by 
  S_=_S comparison of two sequences
    =_S  testing of membership of a single item in a sequence
    =_2 comparison of single items with 2-valued result
    =_3 comparison of single items with 3-valued result
Let us denote by x,y single items and by X and Y sequences.

Note that XQuery identifies 
  single items with singleton sequences containing that single item.
Hence, (3) is the same as 3. (something I personally dislike)

From this we could follow that there are no single items and
everything is a sequence. 
Then, the XQuery comparison = always applies existential semantics S_=_S
where X S_=_S Y in XQuery is defined as:
   X S_=_S Y ::= exists x in X, y in Y x =_2 y
As pointed out by Michael: 
Even if we define 
   X S_=_S Y ::= exists x in X, y in Y x =_3 y
this does not help much.

But how about:
  X S_=_S Y ::=
     x =_S Y  if (X = (x) or X = x) and Y is neither a single item nor a singleton sequence
     y =_S X  if (Y = (y) or Y = y) and X is neither a single item nor a singleton sequence
     x =_3 y  if (X = (x) or X = x) and (Y = (y) or Y = y)
     exists x in X, y in Y x =_3 y else
  x =_S Y ::=
    UNKNOWN  if x is NULL
    x =_3 y if (Y = (y) or Y = y)
    exists y in Y x =_3 y else


Received on Friday, 17 October 2003 06:20:55 UTC