RE: ORA-FO-MAXMIN 15.3.3 fn:max, 15.3.4 fn:min


Thanks for your comment.


Yes, if fn:min() or fn:max() are passed a sequence consisting only of
NaN values, these values are removed.

The input is now an empty sequence and, thus, an empty sequence is
returned.  We have reordered the

rules in fn:min() and fn:max() to make this clearer.


All the best, Ashok 


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Buxton
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 6:15 PM
Subject: ORA-FO-MAXMIN 15.3.3 fn:max, 15.3.4 fn:min 


Functions and Operators, Section 15.3.3 fn:max, 15.3.4 fn:min 

If a sequence contains only "NaN" values, then the result of fn:max or
fn:min is the empty sequence. 
Is this correct ?

Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2003 17:30:31 UTC