Re: unique IDs for fn:id() and interaction with XSLT temporary trees

Michael Rys wrote:
> The way you get IDs is by validation of the data either by schema or
> DTD.

Thanks, but I guess I was looking for the XPath 2.0 Datamodel section on
constructing element nodes from a PSVI to acknowledge that the ID value of an
element in the PSVI is preserved as a property of the constructed element

Presumably the ID value can come from the ID/IDREF Table if the PSVI exposes
it, or by looking at the value of PSVI attributes of type xs:ID. This is not
explicit, though, or maybe I'm still overlooking something.

In any event, I don't see any facility for performing validation on the
infoset that goes into the construction of XSLT 2.0's temporary trees, so
fn:id() isn't going to have much effect on them, even though it is mentioned
as something that should work.


Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2003 14:43:32 UTC