Re: additional output for link checker

On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 11:28 +0900, olivier Thereaux wrote:

> I'm not sure if you have had time to follow the recent discussions on  
> this list about the work on a unified tool/framework/format for  
> conformance and other observations, which Damien and Jean-Gui have  
> been making rapid progress on.

I've skimmed through the messages, but haven't had time to dig into the
documentation, so apart from the basic ideas, my knowledge about this is
very limited at the moment.

> I was wondering if you had any thought on the matter? Do you think  
> templates would be a good idea, or not adapted to the link checker at  
> current?

Before I can form an opinion about templatization, I'd need to know what
kind of output would be needed; could you provide a really short summary
of that or let me know where to find it online if available?

Depending on how the framework works and what it needs, it could be also
worth it to look into writing another tool instead of adapting the
current link checker for it.

As an example, see in ack; it's just a few lines of code and
performs exactly one simple function well.  If checking one link at a
time works (perhaps with already processed results being cached
externally in the calling application or something), adapting it to
produce the desired output, and/or to make it callable through other
interfaces than CGI, and/or porting it to other languages could be a
better idea than modifying the link checker.

Received on Friday, 30 June 2006 12:26:25 UTC