I am so sorry the sad news.
I sincerely express deepest condolences.
Hoping his swift recovery and will join Cristina and Daihei’s proposal.
Junichi Yoshii
2021年5月6日(木) 5:42 Daihei Shiohama <shiohama@mediado.jp>:
> I am so sorry to hear the sad news.
> I sincerely hope Avneesh will recover soon.
> I will join what Cristina proposed and please let us know what we can do
> for him and the family.
> Daihei
> On May 5, 2021, at 13:32, Cristina Mussinelli - Fondazione LIA <
> cristina.mussinelli@fondazionelia.org> wrote:
> No! I am so sorry, there is anything we may do collectively to send our
> condolences and thoughts to him and his family?
> Cristina Mussinelli
> Inviato da iPhone
> Il giorno 5 mag 2021, alle ore 22:16, "kerscher@montana.com" <
> kerscher@montana.com> ha scritto:
> Dear All,
> I have received the sad news that Avneesh’s Aunt has passed away. She was
> admitted to the hospital and shortly thereafter passed. She was 79.
> I am sure we all feel deeply for the family’s loss, and we will be praying
> for them and everybody caught in this pandemic.
> Avneesh is now off of oxygen and doing a bit better. However, the family
> will be making arrangements for his Aunt and Avneesh will not be getting
> back to work for a while. We are encouraging him to take as much time as he
> needs, and focus on healing both body and soul.
> Sadly yours,
> George
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吉井 順一
Jun’Ichi Yoshii
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