RE: Sept 19 SC meeting

Ivan, Garth, and I had also talked about doing a PWG F2F in Berlin adjacent to the AC meeting. We need to fit that on to the calendar as well. People have asked us to make it not in NY this time.

Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Lead

From: Johnson, Rick []
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 2:53 PM
To: W3C Publishing Steering Committee <>
Subject: Sept 19 SC meeting


A reminder that we will be meeting tomorrow at the usual time/location (noon eastern…. Ivan or Bill M. can you confirm which WebEx, as I know it changed while I was out the past few weeks)

-how to bring the ISO discussion to a conclusion.  Recommendation: have the current small group resolve, and bring to the BG for confirmation.
-Call for help with testing in the WG
-Call for help with EPUBcheck
-Possible EPUB Summit adjacent to the AC meeting in May (in Berlin)
-Recommendation of a task for the BG to survey the ongoing work at W3C and determine/discover where potential fits might be into publishing workflows, and potential pilot/demonstration projects as a result.  Thoughts on this, and how we could launch it in the BG.
-Update on the November summit

Received on Monday, 18 September 2017 19:30:47 UTC