Re: prov-wg - Telcon Agenda Jan. 24, 2013


regrets, as I am tied up in marathon meetings. For the record:

- I just sent a positive reply to Tom re: PROV-DICTIONARY, so that'sa my vote

- I have added one implementation data point  by means of a questionnaire, I will add (at least) one more (consumption of PROV-N,
generation of Neo4J data) which points at code that worked fine with the previous snapshot of the ProvToolbox -- need to rebuild.

- I am also going to add the version of prov-datalog that was current in summer 2012, however it's clearly incomplete. So please let
me know if that's not interesting.
  Lack of personal cycles and resources meant that less progress was made on that than I was hoping for.


On 23/01/2013 16:30, Paul Groth wrote:
> Hi All,
> The agenda for tomorrow's telcon is at: 
> We need a scribe. Please let me know if you can do this.
> Regards
> Paul
> -- 
> --
> Dr. Paul Groth ( <>)
> <>
> Assistant Professor
> - Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Group |
>   Artificial Intelligence Section | Department of Computer Science
> - The Network Institute
> VU University Amsterdam

-----------  ~oo~  --------------
Paolo Missier -, 
School of Computing Science, Newcastle University,  UK
PGP Public key: 0x45596549  - key servers:

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2013 16:00:07 UTC